Title 24 Energy Compliance
If you need Title 24 energy compliance documentation, you have come to the right place. Whether you have a residential or commercial project, we have the knowledge and expertise to provide the most cost effective solutions for any project of any size.
Solargy performs Title 24 Energy Analyses for both you and your customers in all of the following areas:
Residential Title 24
• Apartments
• Condominiums
• New Homes
• Additions
Commercial Title 24
• Lighting
• Mechanical
• Envelope
Title 24 compliance documentation is required to be submitted prior to issuing building permits when you are building either a new residential or commercial building, or adding new conditioned floor area to an existing building.
Why do I need to show Title 24 Energy Compliance?
In our experience as energy consultants we have found that there is some confusion as to when one is required to submit Title 24 compliance documentation.
If you are building a new residential or commercial building, or adding new conditioned (heated) square footage to an existing building of any type, Title 24 compliance documentation must be shown before building departments will issue building permits.
There have been times when some building departments have not made it clear why or when Title 24 Energy Compliance is required. This has led to confusion. The simple fact is that Title 24 compliance is mandatory whenever you build any building that will be heated in the state of California, whether it be residential or commercial construction.
Having said that, it is our responsibility as your energy consultants to find the most cost effective solution to your energy compliance needs. We strive to find you ways to save money in both your construction costs and long term energy bills.